Thursday, February 24, 2011

Preview: Okamiden

Hello, and sorry for the long wait between posts! It's not that I don't have any ideas, but more like I have so many different things I could write about that it's difficult to choose! (that and I'm still getting used to juggling my time so I can fit everything I want to do into a day!)

Today I'm going to talk about Ōkamiden: Chiisaki Taiyou 大神伝〜小さき太陽〜 for the NDS. While not exactly a preview, as I've played a substantial amount of the Japanese version which my mom so kindly picked up for me when she was in Japan, since the game won't be out in English until March 31st in AU (March 15th for US residents), I'll just stick to some spoiler-free general impressions for now.
European cover from the Okamiden Wiki page

Okamiden is a sequel to the stellar action-adventure PS2 game Okami, which was later ported to the Wii. Okami was hailed by fans and critics for it's artistic cell-shaded graphics and innovative controls, which had players using the god Amaterasu (in wolf form)'s "celestial brush" to preform actions. The game, however, was a commercial flop worldwide, but maintains a cult status today. 

Having played Okami when it was first released in 2006, I was pleasantly surprised to hear there would be a sequel for the DS coming out towards the end of 2010 in Japan. With the original studio behind the game now gone, however, is it possible for Okamiden to live up to its predecessor? 

Fans of Okami will be more than pleased, I believe, to play Okamiden on the DS, which makes drawing with the celestial brush to execute commands very intuitive. The graphics are in the same style as Okami, and most of the areas are taken almost directly from the old game, with a few simplifications to make them work for the DS. Some might find this tedious, but so far I have enjoyed having a nostalgic romp through the world of Okami once again.
Those new to the series, however, might be alienated from the game. I would be very interested to see how newcomers find it, and whether or not they feel their enjoyment of the game was hindered by their not having played the original (there is a recap sequence at the beginning of the game to get everyone to the same place story-wise).

An in-game screenshot (source)

While Okamiden has everything I loved about Okami, playing it on the small DS screen with limited graphics makes me wish the developers had gone the extra mile to make a luscious HD PS3 version instead. Think of the potential! The rail camera can also very frustrating at times, but I believe it was a necessity due to the game being for the DS.

The one major change for Okamiden has been the addition of a second character, who you control to solve puzzles with Chibiterasu (or mini-Amaterasu, the protagonist of the game). This makes for some different puzzles then the first game, and I was surprised to find that there is more than one character who teams up with Okami during the course of the game, and it is all incorporated into the storyline. I don't want to give any plot spoilers, but I was surprised and delighted to see how the gameplay changed slightly with the different characters.

The story so far has been fun, and is filled with old and new characters to keep things interesting. The constant references to Japanese culture in the enemies, gods, and the story itself (which was adapted from the Kojiki) really make the game a unique experience, and should thrill anyone who is interested in Japan. I can't say anything more about the story right now, but I will give a follow-up with overall impressions when I finish the game!

All in all, I'd say Okamiden is a must for any fans of Okami. It's probably one of the best-implemented action adventure games for the DS, so even non-fans should check it out (and look into playing Okami, as well!). Unfortunately, just as Okami came out at the end of the PS2's life and was inevitably overshadowed by PS3 hype, Okamiden's English release will coincide with the release of the 3DS in March. Here's hoping it gets the attention it deserves.

4/5 stars (preview rating)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

JAPAN: Arcades++

Darius Burst-
Sort of space fish themed shooter. Uses two screens. Hmm, not much to say about this one, to be honest I didn't play it more than once.

Lords of Vermillion 2.
An arcade style collectible card game. Looks kind of like a Japanese WOW from the outset. Great graphics and sound. Even though I can speak and read Japanese ok these games are kind of beyond me. They're quite popular machines though. Again, goes with the Japanese trend of keeping people down playing for hours and hours down the game center.

Electronic Darts.
Now we're talking. Me and a buddy must've spent every evening in 2008 playing these little suckers in the darts bar over here. If I was ever asked to choose a Japanese product abroad I felt would make me a million quid exported it would probably be Japanese electronic darts. Why?
These are so much fun, the boards are made of pins that pick up with extreme accuracy where your darts land. Everything is done via the computer- no more writing on a chalkboard and arguing with your mates about your bad sums, these babies take care of all of it for you. You can choose from about a zillion different darts games and their variations, Count Up, Cricket, even some unique ones like MyLand (or was it MyCountry), where the winner is the one who gets the most Japanese prefectures (represented by numbers) converted to his colour.

Personalise your darts in the shop. Customise your flights, use thin shafts or heavy shafts (not a sexual pun), etc. Plus you can always buy a beer and play doubles with a couple of nice chicks you meet there too.
Another cool thing is, like most arcade machines in Japan these days, you can link up to a national network and play against people anywhere else in Japan. So even when you're alone in the bar, you can still play with real people.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cara Upgrade OS Blackberry

Cara Upgrade OS Blackberry

Berikut langkah langkah yang anda dapat ikuti untuk mengupgradi OS dari BlackBerry

1. Buka C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
cari file vendor.xml lalu hapus.
2. Jalankan DM ( desktop Manager )

Cara Backup BB

pada DM terbaru saat upgrade OS akan di backup otomatis
tapi lebih baik jika di backup manual pada menu BackUp.

setelah proses selesai lanjutkan pada menu Aplication Loader

lalu pilih Update Software klik tombol start

pilih OS terbaru anda klik tombol next
pilih Options di Device Software Options

ceklist software apa aja yg mau di install
jangan di ceklist untuk menghapus atau tidak di install
klik tombol next, dan ikuti petunjuknya sampai selesai

setelah itu tunggu sampai proses upgrade selesai.

setelah proses selesai masuk lagi ke Options > About dan lihat apakah sudah berubah versi nya.
jika sudah maka proses upgrade berhasil.

dibawah ini link OS terbaru saat ini untuk Pearl, Curve dan 8700:
download langsung dari situs blackberrynya.

Vacances de luxe à Bali, Perfect Guide de Voyage en Indonésie Bali

Bali est l'un des 17.000 îles de l'archipel indonésien. Les plages exotiques, la culture, la vie nocturne et la culture balinaise salopettes Bali Contribuer à des vacances de luxe parfait. Cette petite île s'étend jusqu'à 100 miles au nord et se dirige vers le sud et 175 miles de l'ouest à l'est. Donc, ne vous inquiétez pas si vous êtes sur de courtes vacances. Il n'y a pas lieu à Bali Cela ne peut pas être atteint dans un jour, il vous suffit d'une visite bien planifiée.

Vacances de luxe à Bali: Plages
Ceux qui recherchent une teinte de l'aventure à Bali leurs stations de boîtes de vacances de luxe des plages de sable pour diverses activités nautiques. Avec le surf, le rafting et la plongée, l'un des boîtes de louer dans les stations balnéaires et des villas qui offrent certaines des meilleures installations et les activités récréatives.

Vacances de luxe à Bali: Sortir
Bali a un certain nombre d'excellents pubs et discothèques compris Casablanca, café Varuna hard rock et bar de la plage. Ne manquez pas les meilleures discothèques de l'île, les qui incluent les boîtes de nuit à l'interne dans les hôtels cinq étoiles.

La vie nocturne de Bali est le mieux connu à Jimbaran, Kuta, Sanur et Nusa Dua.

Vacances de luxe à Bali: Shopping
Shopping de l'Artisanat, belle, Art et Peinture est sûr pour pimenter vos vacances de luxe à Bali. Boutique artisanale de l'or et de bijoux en argent unique, gravures sur bois et pierre. Le traditionnel «ikat» tissus tissés ou teints, des masques et des souvenirs de meubles anciens sont achats de dollars à Bali. La négociation est une norme dans la plupart des magasins, en particulier les fournisseurs à proximité des attractions touristiques les plus populaires.



Bali est le nom d'une province d'Indonésie et également le nom des plus grandes îles qui font partie de la province. En outre se compose de l'île de Bali, dans la province de Bali se compose des plus petites îles à proximité, à savoir l'île de Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan Island, l'île et l'île Nusa Ceningan attaque.

Bali se situe entre l'île de Java et de Lombok. Denpasar est la capitale de sa province, située dans le sud de l'île. La majorité des Balinais sont hindous. Dans le monde célèbre de Bali comme une destination touristique avec une variété unique de l'art-culture, en particulier pour les touristes japonais et australiens. Bali est également connu comme l'île des Dieux et Pulau Seribu Pura.

L'île de Bali fait partie des îles Sunda le long de la 153 km et 112 km de large à environ 3,2 km de l'île de Java. Astronomiquement, Bali est situé à 8 ° 25'23 "de latitude sud et 115 ° 14'55" de longitude Est climat tropical qu'il fait comme d'autres parties de l'Indonésie. 

Gunung Agung est le point culminant de Bali aussi haut que 3148 m. Le dernier volcan a éclaté en Mars 1963. Mont Batur est également l'une des montagnes de Bali. A propos il ya 30.000 ans, Mont Batur a éclaté et a produit un terrible désastre sur la terre. Contrairement au nord, la partie sud de Bali est irriguée rivières de plaine. 

Basé sur le relief et la topographie, au milieu de l'île de Bali se trouve les montagnes qui s'étend d'ouest en est et entre les montagnes il ya des grappes d'origine volcanique, le mont Batur et du Mont Agung et les montagnes ne sont pas des volcans, à savoir Gunung Merbuk, Gunung Patas et le Mont Seraya. L'existence de ces montagnes cause par zone géographique Bali est divisée en 2 (deux) parties qui ne sont pas les mêmes, à savoir le nord de Bali avec une plaine étroite et moins en pente et le sud de Bali avec une plaine étendue et en pente. pente Bali se compose de terrain plat (0-2%), couvrant 122.652 hectares, vallonné des terres (2-15%), couvrant 118.339 ha, les terres escarpées (15-40%) et la superficie des 190.486 ha de très raide (> 40%) une superficie de 132.189 ha. Province de Bali a 4 (quatre) lacs situés dans les zones montagneuses, à savoir Danau Beratan, Buyan, Tamblingan et le lac Batur.
La capitale de Bali est Denpasar. Lieux Ubud Autres important que le centre d'art est située dans la régence de Gianyar, alors que Kuta, Sanur, Seminyak, Jimbaran et Nusa Dua ya des endroits que destination touristique, deux stations touristiques et la plage.
La superficie totale de la province de Bali est 5636,66 km2, soit 0,29% du territoire de la République d'Indonésie. Administrativement, la province de Bali est divisée en 9 districts, 55 districts et 701 villages.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

JAPAN: Arcades

Taito Station- One of the bigger game centers where I live. 5 floors. Got every type of game under the sun here; UFO Catcher's (claw crane machines), photo-booth Purikura (obviously more popular with the ladies), Retro Classics coin-ops(Final Fight, Super Mario,
etc), Guitar Hero-type games, RPG card-based games, Gun games, coin challenge games, man, just anything and everything, some of which I'll go more into detail below.

(Free candyfloss on the door at weekends)

This place obviously also has a TON of the latest games and their linked units, some of which you'll never see abroad. Competitions are held here and you can be quite the local hero if you win a Super Street Fighter 4 tournament. Some players are fiercely good though, as you'd expect this being the gaming hub of the world- so don't bank on ever winning unless you spend most of your life practicing online.
The place is totally packed out all the time, nothing like mild UK arcades.

Metal Gear Arcade-

New on the scene Metal Gear Arcade utilises some of the cool 3d technology we've been seeing everywhere these days- you wear the specs while you play, just like at the movies. This really adds to the gameplay. The game is kind of just an amalgamation of MGO elements and even features the same maps. You buy credits with real money, play missions or do vs online or neighbour link-up. The more money you throw in the better and longer levels you can play. You can customise your character just like MGO but you need to register to do it. Not sure if you've actually buy a card (like some games) or you just choose a unique number on the machine, but anyway once you've got your character saved you can level up and get on the national rankings system.
First impression- nothing like other gun games. The gun controller is very sophisticated and has about a dozen different buttons and switches, along with a PS3 thumb-stick that governs movement. Although I do love MGO the arcade version is hard to get to grips with at first, and the amount of controls are simply overwhelming. That being said I've been trying to persevere with this one and I'm starting to see it's brilliance. The coolest thing about the game is clearly the 3D, which in combination with putting it on first-person mode amps the intensity up big time. The screen moves with your head too, a sweet little control method, this game brings you closer to being in a real war than any other FPS I've played.
Negatives-I think Konami are really throwing the challenge out there for casual arcade gamers to invest a lot of time and money in this game and frankly I'm not sure it's going to hit off with anyone except for hardcore MGO guys like myself. The staggering amount of info you have to get through just to get into the game first time takes some perseverance indeed.
That being said sometimes these things take time to warm up, and besides the trend over here for Japanese gamers these days is moving towards arcade games that you're never done with after 5 minutes. I wonder if Konami aren't killing off their audience with the excessively complex cabinet, but either way I'm not quite done with this one yet, I sense that it's going to pick up in popularity once people start giving it a chance.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Christmas has come early for a handful of gamers. Granted, it is a somewhat pricey Christmas, but for fans of Call of Duty: Black Ops that have already sacrificed hours of their lives, as well as the odd personal relationship after repeatedly shooting your digital buddies in the head, the cost will likely be little obstacle between them and the new DLC.

The price tag might scare a few people away, but the history of the franchise says that those that choose to abstain are likely to be in the vast minority. When the first DLC was released for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, it nearly broke teh internets. The reaction was strong, and within a week of release, more than 2.5 million Xbox Live users had spent over $37.5 million on the “Stimulus Package”, which contained 3 original maps, and two maps ported from the original Modern Warfare. Black Ops has already cleared over a $1 billion, so you can expect big numbers.

For your dollars, you will receive four new competitive maps, and a new zombie map called Ascension.

Ascension drops you down a missile silo near a Soviet launch pad. You then fight your way up the silo, proving your dominance over the undead hordes by blowing them to pieces. As with the other zombie maps, the level of difficulty increases with each new round.

Berlin Wall features a first of its kind for the Call of Duty maps—an automated set of defenses. The map is structured around one central street, but that street is a death trap, lined with automated turrets that want to shoot you repeatedly. To add injury to insult, sirens begin to blare when you enter the kill zone, announcing your location to your opponents. To avoid the lead rain, you need to work your way through the various buildings and stay out of sight as much as possible–which is easier said than done.

Snipers will enjoy the upper floors due to the three open areas gamers will be forced to use to get from one side of the map to another. The maps are designed so only a sliver of the area is unobstructed from any elevated location, making it more balanced. Despite the elevated positions, the majority of the fighting will take place in multi-storied buildings.

Discovery is the largest of the new maps from one side to another, and a ravine crossable by a pair of bridges makes the level multi-tiered. Although earlier descriptions of the bridges suggested that they would act as a choke point, the ice bridge takes effort to destroy and there are other ways around. A series of buildings offer cover, and ladders will take you to various elevated spots that offer you great sniper views at the expense of cover.

The areas are based on the Antarctic stages of the single player campaign, but the design feels a bit like the map Launch, with the bridges filling in for the rocket area, and multiple buildings offering cover from what would otherwise be open and vulnerable streets.

Kowloon stands out as the most inventive of all the maps, and odds are it will divide fans the most. A relatively small map from one side to another, the multi-leveled buildings will force people to look for attacks form every possible angle. While Discovery is the largest map from side to side, Kowloon might have more area thanks to wooden boards that act as walkways and buildings with multiple floors. The ziplines also offer a bit of a fresh twist, although they leave you totally vulnerable to anyone looking your way.

The real trick of this level will be learning the small walkways and hidden paths that allow you to stay out of sight while flanking your opponents, or taking ladders that get you to an elevated position without having to expose yourself in the doorways. The density of the map will also allow a good blend of weapons, and expect to see everything from shotguns to sniper rifles.

Stadium is the smallest of all the new maps, and one of the smallest maps in Black Ops. It is essentially a courtyard, with an ice rink (that you can see, but not walk on), and a set of office buildings. The combat will offer a handful of vantage points, and ranged battles will occasionally occur, but for the most part this map is designed for speed and face-to-face battles.

Don’t expect to have an especially long life on this level. Randomly thrown grenades can have devastating effects on an unfortunately tight group of teammates. This is the type of map that you can inevitably expect people to begin the level by throwing a grenade as far as they can, and it will be effective often enough to make other people do it.

The “First Strike” map pack is available now as and Xbox Live exclusive for 1200 MS points (about $15).  It is just a matter of time, but thanks to the exclusivity contract between Activision and Microsoft, no word yet on when PC and PS3 gamers will receive the DLC.

Hoerboard Scomber Mix Table is a minimalist DJ’s best friend

This high-end DJ booth incorporates all of your necessary components into a modern, iMac-like design.

This new, clean-lined product from DJ-furniture manufacturer Hoerboard puts everything a DJ could need into a sleek silver form called The Scomber. The DJ booth has two units and was designed to perfectly accommodate the necessary turntables, CD players, and mixers. The Scomber’s top deck is constructed from CNC-designed MDF material and the base, which looks strikingly similar to that of an iMac (maybe that’s what they were going for), is made from laser-cut, powder-coated steel. Cords are invisibly incorporated into the body of the booth. The Scomber (Approximately $2,300) is available in several finishes and can be customized accordingly.

2011 Infiniti EX35

Lumping the EX35 in with other “small cars” is a bit of a stretch. We know the Mini Cooper is small because you have to fold yourself into a ball to get inside. And the Smart Fortwo is so small you can use it as a doorstop. The Infiniti EX35 is not exactly small, since it measures about 15 feet long and weighs 3,764 pounds. Yet, the vehicle has a few important upgrades for the 2011 model year and a couple of new colors. It is also just a blast to drive, especially if you use the manual shift. The fact that Infiniti offers several tech features as standard offerings makes the deal even sweeter, even if we ended up liking the sportier Volvo C30 a bit more.

Actually, the EX35 is not really in the same small category as the C30 either. It’s more of a crossover-hatchback hybrid that maybe falls in line better with something like the BMW X3 – and frankly looks very similar. Yet, inside, the EX35 drives like it is meant for careening down some lonely country lane and taking corners at fairly ludicrous speeds. (Ahem, not that we would know anything about that.)
Refined inside and out

It all starts with the interior. Like the Infiniti M37x, the EX35 has that cocooning cockpit feel. You slip in and the car just feels right. There are faux maple wood accents and a leather steering wheel and shift knob, something that you may not notice right away but might appreciate compared to the hard plastic used on so many other cars. The lighting inside, especially the “electroluminescent” gauges, have that extra luxury look that makes the car worth the higher price tag (our test car is priced at $46,605 but the base price is $35,150 – or much closer to the X3.)

The exterior styling is not as pronounced as the M37x we tested. It’s only slightly bulbous and has more of a hatchback look, more in line with the Nissan Rogue. That’s a style that many people find appealing – it is new and fresh. Indeed, during our test, several people walked up and said they loved the style. A few tried to pry the car keys away (not really) and a few just smiled in approval.
Pick a speed, any speed

We’re jumping right to the driving experience here, because that is the real draw with this sporty hatchback. Interestingly, even though we drove the 2010 EX35 around this time last year, we had more fun in the 2011 model. Maybe it is because Infiniti fine-tuned the engine. It now has a 7-speed transmission. From a standing position, the EX35 doesn’t exactly lurch forward, and we’re not going to say the upper gears pack as much power as, say, the BMW 5-Series. Truth be told, switching from a 5-speed to a 7-speed might be a technical improvement. The real reason the EX35 begs you to drive fast is due to the cockpit feel. Like the C30, you feel one with the car as you twist around a corner or beat the next soccer mom to a parking spot.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tips dan Trik Rahasia Hipnotis dan cara menghindari Hipnotis

Mempelajari hypnosis atau yang biasa dikenal dengan hipnotis tidaklah sesulit yang Anda bayangkan, Selama ini masyarakat mengira bahwa ‘ilmu hipnotis’ adalah ilmu mistik, rekayasa jin atau makhluk halus, menggunakan ritual, jimat dsb, Padahal hipnotis adalah ILMU RASIONAL yang dapat dijelaskan secara KEDOKTERAN dan ILMIAH.

Hipnotis tradisional, seperti contohnya gendam (mempengaruhi seseorang dengan do’a atau mantra tertentu) telah dikenal sejak ribuan tahun silam oleh berbagai bangsa di dunia, tetapi hipnotis modern mulai diekploitasi oleh Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer pada sekitar abad 18 dan dilanjutkan oleh para ilmuan lainnya termasuk Sigmun Freud yang dikenal sebagai salah satu tokoh peletak dasar ilmu kejiwaan, dan hipnotis menemukan formatnya sebagai ilmu pengetahuan terutama setelah proses penelitian dan pengembangan yang dilakukan oleh Dr. Milton Erickson sebagai salah satu tokoh hipnotis modern.
Belajar HipnotisPada saat ini hipnotis telah diaplikasikan di berbagai bidang baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Sebagai aplikasi langsung, maka dikenal beberapa aplikasi hipnotis, antara lain Clinical Hypnotherapy (Hipnoterapi), Medical Hypnosis, Forensic Hypnosis, Stage Hypnosis, Metaphysical Hypnosis dsb. Hipnotis tidak hanya menarik untuk dipelajari oleh mereka yang ingin mengaplikasikan hipnotis secara langsung, tetapi juga bagi mereka yang ingin mengetahui betapa luasnya dan uniknya area Sub-Conscious (bawah sadar) sebagai suatu area yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengendalikan area Conscious (kesadaran normal).
Pemahaman terhadap area Sub-Conscious pada manusia sangat membantu bidang-bidang lainnya, terutama bidang-bidang yang dominan dengan unsur hubungan antar manusia, misalnya: marketing, public relation, personalia, advertising, pendidikan, pengobatan dsb. Walaupun memiliki fenomena yang terlihat ajaib, akan tetapi hipnotis bukanlah magic atau mistik. Hipnotis lebih mendekati seni sugesti atau seni komunikasi yang dapat dipelajari oleh SIAPA SAJA TERMASUK ANDA !

Cara Menghindari Hipnotis atau Gendam

Secara teknis, untuk menghindari kejahatan hipnotis sangatlah mudah. Berikut ini tips dan trik untuk menghindari kejahatan gendam / hipnotis jalanan:

Versi A
  1. Percaya dan yakin sepenuhnya bahwa kejahatan hipnotis tidak akan mempan kepada orang yang menolaknya, karena seluruh proses hipnotis adalah proses “self hypnosis ” (kita mensugesti diri sendiri) dimana rasa takut kita dimanfaatkan oleh penggendam.
  2. Curigalah pada orang yang baru anda kenal dan berusaha mendekati anda, karena seluruh proses hipnotis merupakan teknik komunikasi yang sangat persuasif.
  3. Waspadalah terhadap orang yang menepuk anda dan hindari dari percakapan yang mungkin terjadi. Ketika anda fokus pada ucapannya, pada saat itulah sugesti sedang dilontarkan. Segeralah pindah dari tempat itu dan alihkan perhatian anda ketempat lain.
  4. Sibukkan pikiran anda dan jangan biarkan pikiran kosong pada saat anda sedang sendirian ditempat umum, karena pada saat pikiran kosong / bengong, bawah sadar terbuka sangat lebar dan mudah untuk tersugesti.
  5. Waspadalah terhadap rasa mengantuk, mual, pusing, atau dada terasa sesak yang datang tiba-tiba secara tidak wajar, karena kemungkinan saat itu ada seseorang yang berusaha melakukan telepathic forcing kepada anda. Segera niatkan untuk membuang seluruh energi negatif tersebut kebumi, cukup dengan cara visualisasi dan berdoa menurut agama dan keyakinan anda.
  6. Bila ada orang yang memiliki kebiasaan “latah” usahakan agar kalau bepergian ditemani oleh orang lain, karena latah adalah suatu kebiasaan membuka bawah sadar untuk mengikuti perintah. Usahakanlah untuk menghilangkan kebiasaan latah tersebut.
  7. Hati-hati terhadap beberapa orang yang tiba-tiba mengerumuni anda tanpa suatu hal yang jelas dan pergilah ketempat yang ramai atau laporkan kepada petugas keamanan. Kadang penggendam melakukan hipnotis secara berkelompok, seolah-olah saling tidak mengenal.
  8. Jika anda mulai merasa memasuki suatu kesadaran yang berbeda, segeralah perintahkan diri anda agar sadar dan normal kembali, dengan meniatkan, “Saya sadar dan normal sepenuhnya! ” Dan andapun akan sadar dan normal kembali
Versi B
Tips ini disarikan oleh Ir. Yan
Nurindra, seorang pakar hipnotis yang menguasai metode Western Hypnosis
maupun Traditional Hypnosis:

1. Jangan membiarkan pikiran kosong ketika
berada di daerah umum. Pikiran kosong dapat mengakibatkan gerbang telepathic
terbuka, sehingga pihak lain dapat dengan mudah menyampaikan pesan secara
2. Waspadalah jika tiba-tiba timbul rasa kantuk yang tidak
wajar,ada kemungkinan bahwa seseorang yang bermaksud negatif sedang
melakukan”telepathic forcing”.

3. Bagi mereka yang memiliki kebiasaan
“latah”, sebaiknya jangan bepergian ke tempat umum tanpa teman. Mereka yang
mempunyai kebiasaan “latah” cenderung memiliki gerbang bawah sadar yang
mudahdibuka paksa dengan bantuan kejutan (Shock Induction). Hal yang sama
juga berlaku bagi mereka yang mudah terkejut.

4. Jangan mudah panik jika
tiba-tiba ada beberapa orang yang tidak dikenal mengerumuni Anda untuk suatu
alasan yang tidak jelas. Sekali jangan mudah panik! Karena rasa panik akan
mempermudah terbukanya gerbang bawah sadar anda!

5. Jangan mudah panik jika
tiba-tiba ada seseorang yang menepuk bahu Anda! Usahakan agar pikiran dan
panca indera Anda tetap aktif ke seluruh lingkungan! Jangan terfokus pada
ucapan-ucapan orang yang menepuk Anda. Segera berpindahlah ke daerah yang
lebih ramai!

6. Jika secara tiba-tiba, tanpa alasan yang jelas, dada Anda
terasa sesak, dan diikuti dengan perut agak mual, dan kepala sedikit pusing,
waspadalah karena mungkin ada seseorang tengah mengerahkan energi gendam!
Segera lakukan “grounding”, yaitu meniatkan membuang seluruh energi negatif
ke bumi (cukup visualisasi).

7. Jika terjadi hal-hal yang mencurigakan,
segera sibukkan pikiran Anda, agar tetap berada di frekwensi yang
mengakibatkan efek hipnotis tidak dapat bekerja. Antara lain dengan berdoa
dalam hati, menyanyi dalam hati, atau memikirkan hal-hal yang berat.

8. Akhirnya, tanamkan terus menerus di dalam diri Anda, bahwa hipnotis tidak
akan bekerja bagi mereka yang menolaknya.